Friday, January 17, 2020

28-30 Woolston Road

South Haven Lodge is situated in a quiet residential area in Woolston, just 0.3 of a mile from Woolston Station and 2.2 miles from the centre of Southampton. The dining area has been designed to make mealtimes an enjoyable social occasion for the residents with tables for four. Full central heating and carpeting are provided throughout the home which is all ground floor. Our accommodation comprises of 35 ground floor single bedrooms, all with en-suite facilities.

I would like to just repeat my thanks to you all for making her last few months more comfortable for her and to wish you a healthy and safe future. At Springfield Care Home we promote dignity every step of the way. Whilst one complaint had been made and addressed appropriately, the provider had not made people aware of the complaints procedure.

Springfield House Care Home, Woolston, Southampton.

This was because they were still a registered manager on our register at the time of this inspection. There was a clear management structure, which consisted of the registered manager, deputy manager and senior care staff. The registered manager responded to, followed up on and shared learning from incidents which had occurred in the home. Visitors and staff were positive about the registered manager who they felt was approachable.

“We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all, for all the love, care and understanding, you have shown mum since she moved into the home. It was nice to know that she was receiving the good care and company that she had been in need of for some time. The thing which made this all possible was the fact that you agreed Kylie to allow Eddie the dog to come in with her as she would never have made the move without him.

CQC Rating for St James Care

Springfield House Care Home offers accommodation and care for up to 23 people who may be living with dementia. At the time of the inspection there were 22 people living at the home. There is a passenger lift providing access to the upper floor.

They told us that staff met their care needs and that they were happy living there. Staff supported them with their medication and ensured they got their tablets when they needed them. People felt able to talk to the manager if they had any concerns or complaints. We found the home was responsive because there were systems in place to enable people to complain if they were unhappy about aspects of their care.

South Haven Lodge Care Home

People were supported to stay at Springfield House Care Home at the end of their lives if this was their wish and staff could meet their needs. At the time of the inspection there were 18 people living at the home. Springfield House is a care home which offers care and support for up to 23 predominantly older people.

care homes in woolston southampton

People were supported to express their views and be involved in making daily decisions about their care and support. Staff described how they supported people with personal care whilst being mindful of their dignity. Risk assessments identified when people were at risk from every day activities, such as moving around the home or using equipment. Arrangements were in place to ensure people’s safety in the building. People’s needs were met by suitable numbers of staff and appropriate recruitment procedures were in place.

South Haven Lodge, Woolston, Southampton

The main garden has a large patio and grassed area with seating and umbrellas providing shade on sunny days. There is also a further patio garden to the rear, with seating and garden furniture. A pathway leads around the garden if residents would like a walk. Conveniently close to all major routes near the M3 and M27 motorways and the South Coast, yet quietly located with a wooded area opposite and a garden to the rear. There are local shops in Woolston, a Library and a Church and we are close to the water front where you can enjoy a leisurely stroll. We would like to thank everyone for the care, love and quality of life that you have given my mum and for the peace of mind you gave us seeing how well she was cared for.

care homes in woolston southampton

People were supported to take their medicines as prescribed, by staff who were trained and assessed as being competent. The provider had policies and procedures in place designed to protect people from abuse and staff had completed training in safeguarding people. There is also a strong focus on development of daily living skills.

How we use your personal information, how we may share it, and how long we keep it for is all stated in our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By submitting this form you are accepting the terms of our Privacy Policy. Springfield House Care Home is a very home from home environment, along with the loving care the staff provide to our mum. Springfield have lots of activities, with all residents enjoying crafts, baking, painting, quizzes, film days, sports and more. In this report the name of the registered manager appeared who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location.

care homes in woolston southampton

People felt safe living at the home and were protected from avoidable harm through the use of equipment, such as special mattresses and walking frames. Risk assessments identified when people were at risk and the action taken to minimise the risks. The provider had policies and procedures in place designed to protect people from abuse. Staff had completed training in safeguarding adults and were aware of the different types of abuse and what they should do if they suspected or witnessed abuse.

He is very happy in his comfortable room which such lovely meals and especially enjoys the films shown on a big screen. At the time of the inspection, one person was protected appropriately by the safeguards. We saw five beds which were stained and a bath which was damaged and posed a risk to people using the service. There were some malodours throughout the service and the communal areas were in need of some refurbishment. Carpets and floors were not being effectively cleaned regularly.

care homes in woolston southampton

The provider had audit systems in place to people were well cared for and risks to their safety managed. Audits included medication, health and safety, record keeping and cleaning. Audits showed areas which needed action to improve and records showed these had been addressed. The audits were then reviewed by a senior manager to ensure appropriate action had been taken. This meant the manager and provider had an overall view of the service and how people's needs were being met. Our home manager has a number of years’ experience managing social care services.

Buttercup House.. A great place to live

Care plans were well organised and contained detailed information about each person’s individual needs. Care records detailed people’s preferences and dislikes and past life history. Where appropriate, relatives were included in the reviews of the care plans. The service had identified the minimum numbers of staff required to meet people’s needs and these were being met. People’s bedrooms were comfortable and personalised to reflect people’s individual tastes.

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