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The numbers of tablets were not always correct against the records which meant tablets could be missing as staff did not know how many tablets there should be in the home. Some people were prescribed medicines “when required” but there was not a care plan in place for two of these people to guide staff in a consistent way when supporting people. The issues around medication had not been identified through the process of auditing. To treat service users as individuals using the person centred approach to achieve a holistic plan of care.
To maintain a happy and confident care and work ethos in all levels within R&E Kitchen Care Group. You and your Staff at Springfield Kylie are amazing and when I’m going to be old and will have to choose my care home I will definitely be choosing your one. To maintain a happy and confident care and work ethos in all levels within Springfield Care Home. Whilst auditing processes were in place, they had not been effective in identifying all the areas of concern we identified during our inspection.
Rosewood Care Home
People were supported to stay at Springfield House Care Home at the end of their lives if this was their wish and staff could meet their needs. At the time of the inspection there were 18 people living at the home. Springfield House is a care home which offers care and support for up to 23 predominantly older people.
We saw soiled incontinence pads wrapped up in soiled laundry had been sent to the laundry room. This posed a risk of injury to people using these doors regularly. We also identified concerns around some aspects of the environment and infection control.
Read The Report.
People were supported to take their medicines as prescribed, by staff who were trained and assessed as being competent. The provider had policies and procedures in place designed to protect people from abuse and staff had completed training in safeguarding people. There is also a strong focus on development of daily living skills.

We looked at the care plans for three people who used the service and whose needs were considered complex. Their needs had been assessed and regularly reviewed to ensure any changes were identified and responded to. Care plans were detailed and personalised to individuals and included risk assessments. Daily records showed the care plans were being followed which meant people’s assessed needs were being met. Staff received appropriate professional development and annual appraisal to support them in their work.
Inspection Reports:
I would like to just repeat my thanks to you all for making her last few months more comfortable for her and to wish you a healthy and safe future. At Springfield Care Home we promote dignity every step of the way. Whilst one complaint had been made and addressed appropriately, the provider had not made people aware of the complaints procedure.

The main garden has a large patio and grassed area with seating and umbrellas providing shade on sunny days. There is also a further patio garden to the rear, with seating and garden furniture. A pathway leads around the garden if residents would like a walk. Conveniently close to all major routes near the M3 and M27 motorways and the South Coast, yet quietly located with a wooded area opposite and a garden to the rear. There are local shops in Woolston, a Library and a Church and we are close to the water front where you can enjoy a leisurely stroll. We would like to thank everyone for the care, love and quality of life that you have given my mum and for the peace of mind you gave us seeing how well she was cared for.
Springfield House Care Home offers accommodation and care for up to 23 people who may be living with dementia. At the time of the inspection there were 22 people living at the home. There is a passenger lift providing access to the upper floor.
If you're looking for care and support or would like to learn more about our support services, please contact our friendly enquiry team. We enable people with learning disabilities and complex care needs to live the life they choose. The people we support are at the centre of everything we do. To provide a high standard of care, both personal and social, which enables service users to retain their independence, identity and sense of value. Springfield House Care Home is situated in Woolston, Southampton. They provide accommodation and care for up to 23 older people who may have dementia.
People were assessed prior to receiving care and support plans were developed to show how their needs would be met. Risk assessments were completed and measures to reduce risks were put in place. Staff were supported by a system of induction training, supervision and appraisals. Staff received training relevant for their role and there were good opportunities for on-going training and support and development.

“We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all, for all the love, care and understanding, you have shown mum since she moved into the home. It was nice to know that she was receiving the good care and company that she had been in need of for some time. The thing which made this all possible was the fact that you agreed Kylie to allow Eddie the dog to come in with her as she would never have made the move without him.
The provider had displayed the complaints procedure where people or the visitors could see it. Staff knew what to do if a person made a complaint to them and were clear of people’s rights to complain. The manager was developing systems to monitor whether people and their representatives were aware of the procedure and how to use it.
Care plans were well organised and contained detailed information about each person’s individual needs. Care records detailed people’s preferences and dislikes and past life history. Where appropriate, relatives were included in the reviews of the care plans. The service had identified the minimum numbers of staff required to meet people’s needs and these were being met. People’s bedrooms were comfortable and personalised to reflect people’s individual tastes.
We provide a high quality accommodation and care service to help you lead an independent, comfortable and happy life during your stay with us. St James Care is a residential home specialising in care for people with alcohol dependency and mental health problems. It is located in a residential area of Southampton and is registered to accommodate a maximum of 15 people.
People were frequently offered a range of snacks and drinks, including fresh fruit and were offered choices to eat and drink. Woolston Road is set in a residential street in the village of Netley Abbey near to Southampton. The home is easily accessed by public transport with a bus stop right outside the front door and the train station only a five minute walk from the home. The home also has a large kitchen and a separate dining room which leads on to an enclosed courtyard. The courtyard is a fully paved area which offers an additional large enclosed outdoor space.
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