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These at-home Halloween games are a great way to celebrate all season long, up to and including Halloween night. Cavan Images / Getty ImagesThis fun game will have kids searching for mini or plastic pumpkins that are hidden around the house or classroom. The person or team that finds the most pumpkins wins.
To make it a little more challenging, have them dodge obstacles or collect prizes along the way. Maybe this is a little too school like to hold their attention during a smashing Monster Bash but don’t knock it till you try it! You can also hand out printed word searches as parting favors to keep the kids busy while the parents recover from the party. Grab a package of eyeballs and a spoon and line up your ghouls and goblins. The first one to cross the finish line without dropping their eyeball wins.
Halloween Bean Bag Toss
I used skeleton hand salad tongs from the Dollar Tree and eyeballs from Michaels. Even though I’m 5’10 I’m flexible enough to make it past the first few rounds then I get knocked out by all the kids in my family. Follow the clues to reveal the movie for Halloween Movie Night – what a fun idea for the entire family.
Throw the ultimate thrill-filled (non-spooky) event for and with your kids this October with these 28 awesome Halloween Party games for kids. Similar to apples on a string, but a lot easier for younger kids. To play donuts on a string, simply tie a string of donuts and instruct the kids to eat them without using their hands. It’s a race to the finish with this pumpkin spoon relay race. Pumpkins make the perfect replacement for a ball in this Halloween party game. Sit around a fire and tell an original spooky story with a hefty dose of fun.
Halloween Jinx
This is the perfect time of year to fill a pinata with fake bugs and other icky, squishy treats that wouldn’t fly in April! It’s also the easiest time of year to find mini candy treats. Other fun fillers include glow sticks and vampire fangs. The Halloween version of this family friendly favorite is played just like the regular game, but with better music. Our favorites are the Ghost Busters theme song, This Is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Addams Family theme.
Once a player makes a round trip, they should tag the next player on their team. The team that moves all of their candy corn from the start bowl to the finish bowl first wins. There's more to Halloween than just trick-or-treating; Halloween parties packed with Halloween games allow for fun that doesn't involve candy!
Free Printable Halloween Bingo
Divide your party into smaller groups and set your guests off to find all the pieces of their skeleton. Put all of the paper pieces into a hat or a pillowcase and hide some sweets and candies around the room. At the party ask each child to draw a piece of paper from the hat.

Then they'll have tons of fun launching their candy pumpkins into the bucket. Zing Images / Getty ImagesTape a Halloween-related character name on each child's back, making sure the characters are suitable for the kids' age group. Also, don't allow them to see their character name. Then, have the kids walk around and give each other clues about the characters on their backs. The first person to guess the character they have wins. Print out Halloween-related images, and spread them around the room.
Remove the image, and keep playing until there's a winner. TIMLI / Getty ImagesCreate a pumpkin out of posterboard or cardboard, and make a separate stem for it. Then, blindfold kids and have them try to pin the stem on the pumpkin. You can use masking tape on the stem if the kids are too young for pushpins. Like the famous television game show, this game has players competing in teams. They will choose categories and attempt to get their partners to guess as many answers in that category as they can within a time limit.
"It" can make funny faces, dance, act silly, whatever inspires him or her. Once a "zombie" laughs, he or she can join "it" in attempting to make the group laugh. Whoever holds out the longest without laughing is the winner. Mitch Diamond / Getty ImagesFill a jar with Halloween candy, and have kids guess how many pieces are in the jar. The winner either guesses correctly or is closest to the correct number. They can take home the jar—after sharing a piece with everyone, of course.
This game requires a lawn, a skeleton arm, some sort of child barrier, and rings. I got everything for this game at The Dollar Tree. We used glow stick necklaces for rings, my kids are nuts about them and they are available 4 for a dollar. A twist on Truth or Dare, Truth or Scare tasks players with Halloween-themed questions and physical challenges. You can even head to the Play Party Plan website for lists of family-friendly "truth" questions.
Have each person tell a portion of a spooky story and then blow out their candle or turn off their flashlight before passing the story onto the next person. Add this idea to your list of Halloween games by blowing up a few orange balloons and giving every player a paper funnel. Watch the kids catch, jump, and spin until everyone falls down with laughter. Apple cider donuts are the best treats of the season!
Think of the fun and squeals with these Halloween games for kids. Throwing a Halloween party for kids is one of my favorite types of kids’ parties. It is so easy to theme, find cute and creepy decorations for, the food is awesomely silly and then everyone dresses up.

Have the kiddos balancegourds or mini pumpkins on a wooden spoon as they walk around a course of pumpkins. Glue black felt onto pillow cases to make ghostly faces. It's a fun way to fill a Potato Sack Race with Halloween spirit. Satisfy the winner's sweet tooth by rewarding them with the whole jar of candy. Instead of one big piñata, try these smaller, personal substitutes. That way, every kid can pull their own string and collect their own candy.
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